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From Eitan, who led the walk “Castlemaine Gold:

I have just watched S1E3 “The Goldfield Track” of the “Great Australian Walks with Julia Zemiro” – See

Some anecdotes from the show: 

  • In the early 1850s, 90,000 miners were looking for gold in the Victorian goldfields.
  • 2,000,000Kg of gold was dug in the Victorian goldfields between 1851 to 1896. 
  • By 1859, one in five Victorian men was from China.
  • In the 1850s, Castlemaine had a bigger population than Melbourne.
  • Extract from factsheet—eureka-reef-heritage-walk.pdf: 16,000,000kg of ore was dug in the Eureka Reef between 1871 to 1878 – but it only yielded 175Kg of gold.